Friday, August 27, 2010

A Train Ride in Tilden Park

Riding backwards makes me dizzy!

God I'm Cute!

Good self esteem and a commitment to Truth are essential to good health.

Drivin' In Style

I give thanks for car rides, Tilden Park, the Pacific Ocean, the wind tousling my fur. I have shelter, food and a's a wonderful life!

Sleeping Bag Beauty

Ahh, time for gratitude... the Lady gets it right from time to time... there's nothing like feeling snuggly soft. Doggies know the value of gentle touch (and massage). Did you know the skin is the largest organ? Love me tender!

What is Wrong With This Picture?

Yelp me! Humans gone wild! Wake up San Francisco, learn from the Egyptian masters...

Friday, August 13, 2010

HA! Who's the alpha NOW doggie?

Hey Lady! No doing the cat voice...
Anyway, about you can see, there's enough for everyone.

However, when the cat's away...

(maybe I did encourage him off the chair...)

Sharing space

So today the Lady caught me sharing space with Ampe. The thing is that the little ball of black fur is not so bad. Keeps things interesting in any case.

Check out my new digs

So I got this cool new rug that just needed a little something something - some kuka fur to give it that extra je ne sais quoi...Since the cat ate all his food I had to settle for this chew thing - gotta tell you it really lets me blow off all the frustration of a 13 year old virgin. Humans, take note - when a bowl of food empties, a chew toy appears. Or something like that.

Meet my housemate, Gatillo

Meet Gatillo, AKA Ampe, my nemesis (well, not really, more like my negative, ckeck out the inverse color situation, cool, huh?). I'm just gonna come out and say it plainly. I like his food. The Lady tries to lure me away but I know where the scraps about one pointed attention - boy when his food is around I can think of nothing else. Unless humans are cooking, maybe...

Monday, August 9, 2010

Asana with Pat

The sage Patanjali says that asana is a "steady and comfortable position". Pat and I call this chillin'. A good place for chillin' is in the porch of his lovely Asheville home. Steady and comfortable belly rubs are also good for the digestion. I wonder if anyone has documented this yet?

Healer Heal Thyself

My friend Patrick and I go way back...well, neither one of us remembers how far, and neither one of us cares. The Lady tells me that he has Dementia, which means he forgets things...I wonder what she says behind my back? Anyway, I just want to acknowledge Patrick as a very wise man. He let me take care of him one afternoon, as shown in the picture - "Kuka style", which means chillin' - Pat and I know that there's nowhere to go, and death is coming soon enough, so why rush it? Just chill, baby, and BE.

Monday, May 24, 2010

I have decided allow my lady handler to use my voice for the purpose of disseminating the doggie teachings to human folk.